Select this option to return funds to a customer’s credit card as a refund for a previously entered, settled transaction. Refunds require the payment gateway-assigned transaction ID of the original transaction, the credit card number, and an amount.
You can also submit a quick refund for an original settled transaction from the Transaction Detail page. You can view this page by searching for a transaction on the Transaction Search page and clicking on the appropriate Transaction ID from the Transaction Search Results page. For more information on submitting a quick refund, please see the Refund a Transaction help file.
Refunds cannot be submitted for voided, declined, or errored transactions.
Note: Refunds must be submitted within 180 days of the date and time the original transaction was settled. All refunds submitted to the payment gateway after the 180-day period will be rejected.
Step 1: Select a Payment Method
Select Refund a Credit Card from the list of options.
Note: Charge a Credit Card is the default Payment Method.
Step 2: Enter the Payment/Authorization Information
Enter the customer’s credit card information and the amount of the refund.
Note: For data security, the customer's credit card number is partially masked in the Merchant Interface as XXXX2345 (only eight digits are displayed; the first four are masked with Xs, the last four are visible). For refunds, you may enter only the unmasked numbers without the Xs, for example, 2345; OR the entire number as provided to you directly by the customer.
Step 3: Enter the Order Information
If desired, enter specific order information associated with the transaction.
Step 4: Enter the Customer Billing Information
If desired, enter the customer’s billing information. Fields in this section include: Customer ID, First Name, Last Name, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP Code, Country, Phone Number, Fax Number, and Email Address.
Step 5: Enter the Customer Shipping Information
If desired, enter the customer’s shipping information. Fields in this section include: First Name, Last Name, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP Code, Country, and Phone Number.
Note: If the shipping information is the same as the customer billing information, click the check box labeled Same as information entered in Billing Information.
Step 6: Enter any Additional Information
Enter the tax to be submitted with the transaction. If tax is not applicable, enter a zero (0).
Step 7: Click Submit to process the transaction or click Reset to clear the fields and start over.
Once the transaction has been submitted, the Transaction Confirmation page appears listing the transaction ID and results of the transaction. From this page you can view a printable receipt of the transaction or return to the Virtual Terminal to enter a new transaction.