Unsettled Transactions

The Unsettled Transactions page allows you to review transactions that have not yet been sent for settlement. Depending on the status of these transactions, they may be either voided or captured and submitted for settlement.


View Transactions

Sort Transactions

Filter Transactions

Capture Transactions

Void Transactions

View Transactions

The unsettled transactions are displayed in descending order by Transaction ID and include the following information:

Click the Next and Prev links at the top or bottom of the table to navigate backward and forward through the pages of records. You can also use the View All option to see all transactions on a single page. This is recommended only if the summary of transactions contains 50 records or less.

To view detailed information for a specific transaction, click on the Transaction ID. The Transaction Detail page appears. Depending on the transaction’s status, the Transaction Detail page may display the Void and/or Capture buttons. You may void or capture the single transaction from this page by clicking the appropriate button.

Sort Transactions

By default, transactions are sorted in descending order by Transaction ID. Clicking on a column header will sort transactions in descending order based on the information provided in that column. For example, to sort transactions from most recent to oldest, click the Settlement Date column header once. Clicking again on the same column header will resort transactions in ascending order.

An arrow next to the column header indicates the current sort order for the record set. An up arrow indicates that the sort is ascending (A-Z) and a down arrow indicates that the sort is descending (Z-A). You may sort transactions by the following columns: Transaction ID, Submit Date/Time, Customer Name, Payment Method, and Payment Amount.

Filter Transactions

You can filter unsettled transactions by a specific payment method.


To filter transactions by payment method:


Step 1: Select the payment method for the transactions you would like view from the Filter By: drop-down list.

Step 2: Click View. Only those transactions for the selected payment method are listed.



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