Capture Unsettled Transactions

The Unsettled Transactions page allows you to capture a single or multiple unsettled transactions and submit them for settlement.


To capture unsettled transactions:


Step 1: Select Group Capture from the Filter By: drop-down list.

Step 2: Click View. Only those transactions that are eligible for capture are listed.

Step 3: Click the check box next to the transaction(s) you would like to capture. You may also select the Select All check box to capture all eligible transactions listed on the current page.

Step 4: Review the Payment Amount for each transaction selected to be submitted for settlement. If the payment amount to be captured is different than the amount of the original transaction, enter the adjusted amount in the Capture Amount text field. Leave this field blank to capture the amount originally authorized. Leaving the amount field blank will capture the full authorized amount of the transaction.

Step 5: Click Capture.  A confirmation message appears asking if you would like to continue with the capture.

Step 6: Click OK to continue or click Cancel to cancel the action.


Once the transaction(s) have been submitted for capture, the Transaction Status page appears listing the transaction ID(s) and transaction results. To view more details for a transaction, click the Transaction ID for the transaction you want to view. The Transaction Detail page appears.


Tip: Using the Payment Method filter in conjunction with the Group Capture filter streamlines your ability to capture transactions for which the same payment method was used.



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