The Accepted Uploaded ARB Subscriptions page lists a status summary of subscriptions included in an uploaded subscription file.
View Errors in Subscription File
A subscription file upload summary is provided at the top page, including the following information:
Subscription File ID—The identification number assigned by the payment gateway to a successfully uploaded subscription file.
Total Records Uploaded—The total number of subscriptions uploaded in the subscription file.
Subscriptions Accepted—The total number of subscriptions in the uploaded subscription file accepted by the payment gateway.
Subscriptions with Errors—The number of subscriptions in the uploaded file that encountered errors during subscription creation. These transactions were not accepted by the payment gateway and will need to be corrected and resubmitted in a new subscription file.
File Status—The current status of the uploaded subscription file.
Accepted — This status indicates that there were no errors in the file and all uploaded subscriptions were successfully created.
Accepted with Errors — This status indicates that one or more subscription records in the subscription file experienced an error during creation. As a result, these subscriptions were not created. The errors in these subscription records will need to be corrected and re-uploaded.
The subscriptions are displayed in descending order by Subscription ID and include the following information:
Subscription ID—The identification number assigned to a subscription by the payment gateway.
Subscription Name—The merchant-assigned name for a subscription.
Subscription Status—
Created Date & Time—The date and time the subscription was created. The time displays according to the time zone set for your account.
Customer Name—The name of the customer associated with the transaction.
Payment Method—The credit card or bank account number used for a transaction.
Payment Amount—The recurring amount to be charged to the customer�s credit card or bank account.
Note: For subscriptions that have a trial period, the Payment Amount displayed here indicates the regular billing amount, not the trial period amount.
Payment Count—The number of recurring payments, or transactions, already successfully processed for the subscription.
Click the Next and Prev links at the top right of the table to navigate backward and forward through the list of subscriptions. You can also use the View All option (at the bottom left of the page) to see all the individual subscriptions on a single page. This is recommended only if your summary contains 50 subscriptions or less.
To view an individual subscription in detail, click the Subscription ID for the subscription you want to view. The ARB Subscription Detail page opens.
By default, subscriptions are sorted in descending order by Subscription ID. Clicking on a column header will sort the result set in descending order according to the data in that column. Clicking again on the same column header will resort the result set in ascending order.
An arrow next to the column header indicated the current sort order for the result set. An up arrow indicates that the sort is ascending (A-Z) and a down arrow indicates that the sort is descending (Z-A). You can sort subscription by the following columns: Subscription ID, Subscription Name, Subscription Status, Created Date & Time, Customer Name, Payment Method, Payment Amount, and Payment Count.
View Errors in Subscription File
In certain cases, subscription files that were successfully validated for correct formatting and field information during upload to the payment gateway may experience an error during subscription creation. For example, duplicate subscriptions or general payment gateway errors.
For subscription files with errored subscriptions, the View Errors in File link is displayed. Click on this link to view the Uploaded ARB Subscriptions with Errors page, which lists each line in the subscription file that contains an errored subscription, and a description of the error. These subscriptions have not been successfully created by the payment gateway and must be corrected and re-uploaded.