Submit a Credit Card Charge

Select this option to charge an amount to a customer’s credit card. Transactions of this type require the full credit card number, expiration date and amount.


Step 1: Select a Payment Method

Select Charge a Credit Card from the list of options.

Note: Charge a Credit Card is the default Payment Method.

Step 2: Select a Transaction Type

Select a transaction type from the list of options based on what you want to do:

Note: Authorize Only transactions on the payment gateway that have not been captured expire after 30 days. However, they may expire sooner at the processor. Contact your merchant bank for more information about Authorize Only expirations at the processor.

Note: Transactions that have been previously authorized through the payment gateway as an Authorize Only transaction may only be captured from the Unsettled Transactions page.

Step 3: Enter the Payment/Authorization Information

Enter the customer’s credit card information and the amount of the transaction.

Step 4: Enter the Order Information

If desired, enter specific order information associated with the transaction.

Note: It is recommended that you enter an invoice number or description to easily differentiate between multiple transactions from the same customer.

Step 5: Enter the Customer Billing Information

If desired, enter the customer’s billing information. Fields in this section include: Customer ID, First Name, Last Name, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP Code, Country, Phone Number, Fax Number, and Email Address.


Step 6: Enter the Customer Shipping Information

If desired, enter the customer’s shipping information. Fields in this section include: First Name, Last Name, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP Code, Country, and Phone Number.

Note: If the shipping information is the same as the customer billing information, click the check box labeled Same as information entered in Billing Information.

Step 7: Enter any Additional Information

Enter any additional information to be submitted with the transaction.

Step 8: Click Submit to process the transaction or click Reset to clear the fields and start over.


Once the transaction has been submitted, the Transaction Confirmation page appears listing the transaction ID and results of the transaction. From this page you can view a printable receipt of the transaction or return to the Virtual Terminal to enter a new transaction.



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