Capture a Transaction

The Transaction Detail page allows you to capture a previously authorized transaction pending settlement and submit it for processing.

Note: Only users with the appropriate permissions will be able to access this feature.

If available, the Capture button appears at the top and bottom of the Transaction Detail page.


To capture a transaction:


Step 1: Click Capture. The Capture Transaction window opens displaying information about the transaction.


Step 2: If necessary, edit the amount to be captured in the Settlement/Capture Amount text field. The amount may only be modified to be less than the original amount of the authorization.


Step 3: Click OK to continue with the capture or click Cancel to cancel the action.


The Transaction Status page appears displaying the Transaction ID and the Capture Result of the transaction. If the Capture Result shows as a success, the transaction will be sent for settlement.


Click Close to close the Transaction Status window.


The Transaction Detail page reappears with the transaction’s status changed to Captured/Pending Settlement.



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