The Uploaded Transaction File Status page lists the status of uploaded transaction files.
The uploaded transaction files are displayed in descending order by File ID and include the following information:
File ID—The identification number assigned by the payment gateway to a successfully uploaded transaction file.
Upload Date/Time—The date and time the subscription file was uploaded. The time displays according to the time zone set for your account.
Total Number of Transactions—The total number of transactions included in the uploaded transaction file.
File Upload Status—The current status of the transaction file upload to the payment gateway.
Data Formatting Status—The current status of the data formatting stage of a transaction file upload.
Transaction Processing Status—The current status of the transaction processing stage of a transaction file upload.
Receipt Email Status—The current status of the receipt email stage of a transaction file upload. If the Email Customer Setting on the Upload Transaction Files Settings page is set to Yes, email receipts are sent to customers during this upload stage.
Elapsed Time—The total time taken to process a transaction file upload.
For each processing step (File Upload, Data Formatting, Transaction Processing, Receipt Email), the current payment gateway status is displayed. A Finished status indicates that the step is complete.
Once all steps indicate a Finished status, the File ID becomes a link. Click on the File ID to go to the Uploaded Transactions page for a summary of each transaction uploaded in the file.
To customize the payment gateway settings used to format a transaction file, click Upload Transaction File Settings. The Upload Transaction File Settings page opens, allowing you to specify the fields that should be in the transaction file, the order of the fields, and the delimiter used to separate the fields within the file.
Click Upload New Transaction File to select a new transaction file to upload to the payment gateway.