IP-Shipping Address Mismatch Filter

The IP-Shipping Address Mismatch Filter allows you to identify transactions with shipping addresses that are different from the order’s originating IP address. This helps to determine whether or not the order is shipping to the country in which it originated.

Note: Keep in mind that mismatches are common with gift transactions and do not always indicate suspicious transactions.

The filter status, Filter Enabled, Filter Disabled or Not Configured appears at the top of the page.

To enable the IP-Shipping Address Mismatch Filter:

Step 1: Click the Enable Filter check box at the top of the page. Or, to disable the IP-Shipping Address Mismatch Filter, make sure that the Enable Filter check box is deselected.

Step 2: Click the radio button next to the appropriate Filter Action for this filter.

Note: In the event that a transaction triggers more than one filter, and each filter is configured with a different action, the most severe filter action will be applied to the transaction. For example, you might configure filter A to decline all triggered transactions, and filter B to authorize but hold all triggered transactions. If a transaction triggers both filters A and B, it will be declined rather than authorized and held for review.

Step 3: Click Save to save your settings or click Cancel to cancel the action.

Your saved settings are applied immediately to all transactions screened by the Advanced Fraud Detection Suite.



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