Upload ARB Subscription Files

When enabled for your account, the Upload ARB Subscription Files feature allows you to upload a file with multiple Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) subscriptions to the payment gateway. If this feature is not currently enabled for your account, you can configure it on the File Upload Capabilities page in the Settings menu. For more information, see the File Upload Capabilities topic.


To upload an ARB subscription file:  


Step 1: Click Upload ARB Subscription File on the main Automated Recurring Billing page. The Upload ARB Subscription File window opens.

Step 2: Click Browse. The Choose File window opens prompting you to browse to the subscription file you would like to upload. (You can also enter the location and name of the subscription file to be uploaded, click Upload File, and skip to Step 5.).

Step 3: Browse to the location of the subscription file you would like to upload and click on the file name.

Step 4: Click Open (or double-click on the file name). The file name appears in the Upload New Transaction File window.

Step 5: Click Upload File to upload the subscription file. The processing status of the upload appears.

Note: Do NOT close the window until either a File ID or error list is returned by the payment gateway. Closing the window while the file is uploading might cancel the upload.

If the upload is successful, a message window displays with the upload results and a File ID for the uploaded subscription file. To view the status of the subscription file, go to the Uploaded ARB Subscription Files Status page. This page allows you to click on the File ID to view the individual subscriptions included in the file.

If formatting errors are detected in the file or field validation errors occur, the line numbers the errors occurred in and descriptions of the errors are displayed in the message window. In this case, please close the window and correct and resubmit the file.

Tips on uploading an ARB subscription file:

Sample Subscriptions

Sample Credit Card Subscription

“Sample 1 Subscription”,”Invoice1”,”This is a sample credit card subscription”,”10.00”,”CC”,” 0000000000000000”,”0706”,””,””,””,””,””,”03/01/06”,”3”,”1”,”Month”,””,””,”Customer ID”,””,”Jane”,”Doe”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,


Sample eCheck.Net Subscription

“Sample 3 Subscription”,“Invoice3”,“This is a sample eCheck subscription”,

“8.00”,“ECHECK”,”:,””,”CHECKING”,”000000000”,”000000000000”,”Jane Doe”,

”First Bank”,“08/01/06”,“12”,”1”,”Month”,””,””,”43267”,””,”Jane”,“Doe”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,





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