The Transaction Detail Report allows you to view transaction details for settled or declined transactions by settlement date.
To view a transaction report by settlement batch date:
Step 1: Select the report type you want to view from the Transaction Type drop-down list.
Note that the transactions in the drop-down list show the market type in parentheses. Market types include eCommerce, Retail, or MOTO.
Settled Transactions – When selected, the report displays transactions submitted for settlement with a certain batch, including successfully settled, declined, voided, and errored transactions.
Declined Transactions - When selected, the report displays transactions in a certain batch that were declined or experienced an error during processing. This includes transactions that were declined due to Card Code or AVS mismatch. Successfully settled transactions do not appear in this report.
Step 2: Select the desired settlement batch date and time from the Date drop-down list.
Step 3: Click Run Report.
The Transaction Details by Settlement Date Report opens, listing transaction details for the selected settlement batch date and item type.