Verified Merchant Seal

The Verified Merchant Seal page allows you to view the list of Web domains that are configured to display the Verified Merchant Seal and provides the Verified Merchant Seal HTML code.

Learn more about how the Verified Merchant Seal works on your website.

Verified Merchant Seal Domains List

This section displays the list of Web domains configured to display the Verified Merchant Seal.


To edit the Verified Merchant Seal Domains List:

Step 1: Click Edit. The Verified Merchant Seal Configuration page opens.

Step 2: To add a Web domain to the Verified Merchant Seal Domains List, enter the Web domain address (for example, in the left text field and click Add. You need to configure two domain formats for each of your domains: and

Note: You do not need to add the full address of every Web page on which you would like to display the Verified Merchant Seal. By listing only the root domain ( and, the Verified Merchant Seal can function successfully on all pages on that domain such as

Step 3: To remove a domain from the Verified Merchant Seal Domains List, click on the Web domain address you would like to remove in the listed domains and click Remove.

Step 4: Click Submit to continue or click Cancel to cancel the action. The Verified Merchant Seal page re-opens displaying the updated Verified Merchant Seal Domains List.

Verified Merchant Seal Code

This section displays the HTML code required to display the Verified Merchant Seal on your website(s).


To implement the Verified Merchant Seal Code on your Web site(s):

Step 1: Copy the code from the Verified Merchant Seal page.

Step 2: Paste the code into the footer of your homepage and/or other desired area(s) of your website(s).

Note: You might need to contact your Web developer for assistance with implementing the code in the proper location(s).

Tips for using the Authorize.Net Verified Merchant Seal:

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