You can view or edit a user’s account from the main User Administration page.
To open a user’s account, click on the user’s hyperlinked name. Please note that deleted users are not listed.
Note: The availability of some of the options listed below varies by user role.
The following options are available on the user's profile page:
Edit the user's profile information
The user’s basic account and personal information is shown at the top of the page and includes the user’s First and Last Name, Login ID, User Role, Title, Telephone Number, Email Address, User Status, and the dates the user account was activated and created.
Profile and Security Settings
This section allows you to edit the user’s profile information and email settings.
Step 1: Click Reset User Password. A message window appears asking if you would like to continue.
Step 2: Click OK to continue or click Cancel to cancel the action.
Step 3: Make note of the Temporary Password.
IMPORTANT: The Temporary Password is not automatically sent to the user. You are responsible for advising the user of the Temporary Password in a secure manner. At the next login, the user will be required to change the password.
Step 4: Click Continue. The password is now reset.
To edit the user’s profile information:
Step 1: Click Edit Profile Information.
Step 2: Edit the user’s First Name, Last Name, Title, Phone Number, Extension, and Email Address(es) as necessary.
Step 3: If applicable, click the check boxes to select the payment gateway email types you would like the user to receive. Email types left deselected will not be sent to the user.
Step 4: Click Submit to update the user’s profile or click Cancel to cancel the action.
User Permissions
This section displays the default permissions associated with the user role and their current configuration. Permissions display as either enabled or disabled according to the symbols shown in the Permissions Key. For more information about the permissions associated with each user role, please see the User Role Definitions topic.
To edit the user’s permissions:
Step 1: Click Edit Permissions.
Step 2: If necessary, select a new user role from the User Role drop-down list. The default user permissions associated with the selected user role are automatically listed and enabled.
Step 3: Click to deselect the check boxes next to the user permissions that should not be enabled for the user.
Note: By default, Account Owners have all permissions enabled for their user account. These permissions cannot be customized. If you are a Card Present merchant, only Account Owners, Account Administrators, and Transaction Managers are allowed to log on to Virtual Point of Sale (VPOS). To log on successfully, these users MUST have the appropriate permissions to create charge and refund transactions.
Step 4: Verify your identity by requesting and confirming a PIN.
Step 5: Click Submit to continue or click Cancel to cancel the action. The user’s profile page reappears with the updated permissions and/or user role.