Risk Reserve

The Risk Reserve page displays general information about your payment gateway account, the payment methods you accept, and your account’s Risk Reserve settings (applicable only if eCheck.Net® is enabled).

General information for your account is displayed at the top of the Risk Reserve page. This information includes your business's name, Payment Gateway ID, address, phone number, fax number, Billing Status, Active Since date, and Billing Balance.

Payment Methods

This section lists the payment methods enabled for your account.

You can also view the agreement and fees associated with the payment methods configured for your account at any time by clicking on the Agreement and Fees links displayed for each payment method.

Risk Profile

If a risk reserve is established for your eCheck.Net account, this section lists your reserve settings. These settings are determined during the underwriting of your eCheck.Net account. The purpose of the risk reserve is to cover potential costs incurred from high risk or chargebacked transactions.


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